captcha 508 compliant


To make a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) 508 compliant, you need to ensure that it is accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those who may have visual or auditory impairments. Here's some content and considerations for creating a 508 compliant CAPTCHA:

1. Alternative Text (Alt Text): Include descriptive alternative text for any images or visual elements used in the CAPTCHA. This allows screen readers to read the alt text aloud, enabling visually impaired users to understand the content.

2. Text-based CAPTCHA: Avoid using CAPTCHAs that rely solely on visual or audio cues. Instead, opt for text-based CAPTCHAs that can be easily read and interpreted by screen readers and other assistive technologies.

3. Clear Instructions: Provide concise and straightforward instructions on how to complete the CAPTCHA. Ensure the instructions are easy to understand for all users.

4. Audio CAPTCHA: For individuals who have difficulty reading or seeing, offer an audio alternative. The audio version should be clear, free from background noise, and spoken at a moderate pace.

5. Adjustable Time Limits: If your CAPTCHA has a time limit, allow users to adjust the timing or provide ample time for completion to accommodate individuals with cognitive or motor disabilities.

6. No Time Constraints: Consider allowing users to complete the CAPTCHA without imposing time constraints, as some individuals may require more time to process the information.

7. Error Handling: If a user fails the CAPTCHA, provide clear and meaningful error messages that assist them in understanding why they were unsuccessful and how to proceed.

8. Multilingual Support: If possible, provide support for multiple languages to accommodate users from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Example of a Text-based CAPTCHA:


Instructions: Please type the characters you see in the box below to prove you are a human.

[Textbox for user input]

[CAPTCHA image here with alternative text describing the image]

Can't see the image? Click here to get an audio version.

[Checkbox for requesting an audio version]


By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your CAPTCHA is 508 compliant and accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Always remember to test your CAPTCHA with assistive technologies to verify its accessibility.